Xenogears Light
OneUp Studios håller som bäst på med att göra klart Xenogears Light | an arranged album (tidigare Xenogears Piano Album).
Albumet har fått byta namn då innehållet inte bara ska innehålla piano, utan även bland annat flöjt, klarinett, gitarr och violin. Albumet kommer alltså sträva efter att innehålla så stillsam musik som möjligt, vilket man förstår av den demolåt som finns att ladda hem (Dazil, City of Burning Sands).
Någon låtlista är inte bestämd i dagsläget, men dessa är just nu under produktion:
- Dale North jobbar på ”Gathering Stars in the Midnight Sky”
- The Wingless och Mustin jobbar på ”Valley of the Wind”
- Mustin jobbar på ”October Mermaid”
- The Wingless och Mustin jobbar på ”Bonds of Sea and Fire”
Men det behövs fler låtar till albumet, och det är där
ni kommer in i bilden. Till detta album får man skicka in låtar
som man själv producerat och hoppas
på det bästa. Om allt går vägen så kommer
ens låt finnas med på det slutgiltiga albumet, fast då
inspelad med riktiga instrument.
Det är dock ont om tid. Det är bara drygt en vecka kvar till deadline, så skynda er på!
Här är reglerna (skrivna av producenten Mustin) för de som är intresserade:
1. You must be 18 or older to appear on the album. (I know a lot of you
are groaning right now, but don't fret. We've worked with minors in the
past and
if your work really blows us out of the water, we'll make accommodations
for you with your parent(s)/guardian. Don't give up before you start!
Bang away
on that keyboard and send us what you have.)
2. All entries will be evaluated by Mustin. (Choosing what arrangements
we will work with and what we will pass on will be at my sole discretion.)
3. All chosen works to appear on the album will be produced, mixed, and
mastered at OneUp Studios. (We will take all of your artist integrity
consideration. But at the end of the day it is we who will decide what
is the best interest for the piece and the album as a whole. I don't expect
to butt
heads much on this unless someone is really stubborn.)
4. No cash prize guaranteed. (We're doing this for the love of the music.
And if it turns out that this album turns a profit, that profit will be
between the arrangers and performers on the album. Each arranger appearing
on the album will receive no less than 5 (five) complimentary copies of
finished work, which are sure to be worth a great deal as only 1,000 copies
will be produced.)
5. All arrangers must be able to provide MIDI transcriptions of their
arrangements. (We work the best with MIDI because it's a universal format.
From there it's easy to render tracks with sample libraries and to turn
instrument parts into sheet music.)
6. Arrangers chosen to appear on the album will not share their work for
the album with anyone outside of OneUp Studios or those arrangers selected
to work on said album. (Your entries will removed from the project if
shared with others outside of the those working on the project and/or
uploaded to sites
like VGMix.com, OCReMix.com, and/or personal public Web pages/sites. This
rule will be strongly enforced.
Bidrag skickas till: Producer@OneUpStudios.com.
Av Christopher Federsel [2004-09-12]